Thursday, October 7, 2021

Dna extraction thesis

Dna extraction thesis

dna extraction thesis

Ancient DNA (aDNA) is DNA isolated from ancient specimens. Due to degradation processes (including cross-linking, deamination and fragmentation) ancient DNA is more degraded in comparison with contemporary genetic material. Even under the best preservation conditions, there is an upper boundary of – million years for a sample to contain sufficient DNA for sequencing technologies Dec 11,  · From the bottom of my heart I would like to say big thank you for all the bioelectronics research group members for their energy, understanding and help throughout my project, especially to Mr D. N. for the guidance throughout the gel extraction, Mr Andrew L. for the help with AFM imaging and Mr Samuel D. H. for advice on the DNA analysis process Latest thesis topics in Machine Learning for research scholars: Choosing a research and thesis topics in Machine Learning is the first choice of masters and Doctorate scholars now a days. Though, choosing and working on a thesis topic in machine learning is not an easy task as Machine learning uses certain statistical algorithms to make computers work in a certain way without being explicitly

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oohay erakogr, dna extraction thesis. There is currently much interest in biological active compounds derived from natural resources, especially compounds that can efficiently act on molecular targets, which are involved in various diseases.

It accumulates up to 3. Our recent published data on astaxanthin extraction, analysis, dna extraction thesis, stability studies, and its biological activities results were added to this review paper. Based on our results and current literature, astaxanthin showed potential biological activity in in vitro and in vivo models. These studies emphasize the influence of astaxanthin and its beneficial dna extraction thesis on the metabolism in animals and humans. Bioavailability of astaxanthin in animals was enhanced after feeding Haematococcus biomass as a source of astaxanthin.

Astaxanthin, used as a nutritional supplement, antioxidant and anticancer agent, dna extraction thesis, prevents diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and neurodegenerative disorders, and also stimulates immunization.

Astaxanthin products are used for commercial applications in the dosage forms as tablets, capsules, syrups, oils, soft gels, creams, biomass and granulated powders.

Astaxanthin patent applications are available in food, feed and nutraceutical applications. The current review provides up-to-date information on astaxanthin sources, extraction, analysis, stability, dna extraction thesis, biological activities, health benefits and special attention paid to its commercial applications. Astaxanthin is a xanthophyll carotenoid which is found in various microorganisms and marine animals [ 1 ].

It is a red fat-soluble pigment which does not have pro-Vitamin A activity in the human body, although some of the studies reported that astaxanthin has more potent biological activity than other carotenoids. The United States Food and Drug Administration USFDA has approved the use of astaxanthin as food colorant in animal and fish feed dna extraction thesis 2 ].

The European Commission considers natural astaxanthin as a food dye [ 3 ]. Haematococcus pluvialis is a green microalga, which accumulates high astaxanthin content under stress conditions such as high salinity, nitrogen deficiency, high temperature and light [ 456 ]. Astaxanthin produced from H. pluvialis is a main source for human consumption [ 7 ]. It is used as a source of pigment in the feed for salmon, dna extraction thesis and shrimp [ 13 ].

For dietary supplement in humans and animals, astaxanthin is obtained from seafood or extracted from H. pluvialis [ 8 ]. The consumption of astaxanthin can prevent or reduce risk of various disorders in humans and animals [ 78 ]. The effects of astaxanthin on human health nutrition have been published by various authors [ 78910111213 ]. In our previous reviews, we included recent findings on the potential effects of astaxanthin and its esters on biological activities [ 14dna extraction thesis161718 ].

The use of astaxanthin as a nutritional supplement has been rapidly growing in foods, feeds, nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals. This present review paper provides information on astaxanthin sources, extraction methods, storage stability, biological activities, and health benefits for the prevention of various diseases and use in commercial applications, dna extraction thesis. The natural sources of astaxanthin are algae, yeast, salmon, trout, krill, shrimp and crayfish.

Astaxanthin from various microorganism sources are presented in Table 1. The commercial astaxanthin is mainly from Phaffia yeast, Haematococcus and through chemical synthesis.

Haematococcus pluvialis is one of the best sources of natural astaxanthin [ 17181920 ]. Astaxanthin dna extraction thesis in wild and farmed salmonids are shown in Figure 1. Shrimp, crab and salmon can serve as dietary sources of astaxanthin [ 20 ]. Wild caught salmon is a good source of astaxanthin. In order to get 3. Astaxanthin supplement at 3. Astaxanthin is a member of the xanthophylls, because it contains not only carbon and hydrogen but also oxygen atoms Figure 2.

Astaxanthin consists of two terminal rings dna extraction thesis by a polyene chain. In case one, hydroxyl group reacts with a fatty acid then it forms mono-ester, whereas when both hydroxyl groups are reacted with fatty acids the result is termed a di-ester.

Astaxanthin exists in stereoisomers, geometric isomers, free and dna extraction thesis forms [ 1 ], dna extraction thesis. All of these forms are found in natural sources. The relative percentage of astaxanthin and its esters in krill, copepod, shrimp and shell is shown in Figure 3. Astaxanthin has the molecular formula C 40 H 52 O dna extraction thesis. Its molar mass is Astaxanthin and its esters from various sources [ 19dna extraction thesis, dna extraction thesis ].

Astaxanthin is a lipophilic compound and can be dissolved in solvents and oils. Solvents, acids, edible oils, microwave assisted and enzymatic methods are used for astaxanthin extraction. Astaxanthin is accumulated in encysted cells of Haematococcus. High astaxanthin yield was observed with treatment of hydrochloric acid at various temperatures for 15 and 30 min using sonication [ 40 ].

In another study, vegetable oils dna extraction thesis, corn, olive and grape seed were used to extract astaxanthin from Haematococcus, dna extraction thesis. Astaxanthin 1. Astaxanthin was extracted repeatedly with solvents, pooled and evaporated by rotary evaporator, then re-dissolved in solvent and absorbance of extract was measured at — nm to estimate the astaxanthin content [ 17 ]. Further the extract can be analyzed for quantification of astaxanthin using high pressure liquid chromatography and identified by mass spectra [ 18 ].

Astaxanthin stability was assessed in various carriers and storage conditions. Astaxanthin derived from Haematococcus and dna extraction thesis stability in various edible oils was determined [ 48 ].

It was found that degradation of astaxanthin was significantly higher in skimmed milk than orange juice. In another study, stability of astaxanthin biomass was examined after drying and storage at various conditions for nine weeks [ 50 ].

The stability of astaxanthin from Phaffia rhodozyma was studied and it was found that stability was high at pH 4. The storage stability of astaxanthin was enhanced at 4 °C and 25 °C in a complex mixture of hydroxyproply-β-cyclodextrin and water [ 52 ].

Astaxanthin stability was investigated using microencapsulation with chitosan, polymeric nanospheres, emulsions and β-cyclodextrin as reported by various authors [ 53545556 ].

Astaxanthin contains conjugated double bonds, hydroxyl and keto groups. It has both lipophilic and hydrophilic properties [ 1 ], dna extraction thesis.

The red color is due to the conjugated double bonds at the center of the compound. This type of conjugated double bond acts as a strong antioxidant by donating the electrons and reacting with free radicals to convert them to be more stable product and terminate free radical chain reaction in dna extraction thesis wide variety of living organisms [ 8 ]. Astaxanthin showed better biological activity than other antioxidants [ 11 ], because it could link with cell membrane from inside to outside Figure 4.

Superior position of astaxanthin in the cell membrane [ 12 ], dna extraction thesis. Dietary oils may enhance the absorption of astaxanthin. Astaxanthin was superior to fish oil in particular by improving immune response and lowering the risk of vascular and infectious diseases.

The proliferation activity of T- and B-lymphocytes was diminished followed by lower levels of O 2H 2 O 2 and NO production, increased antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase GPxand calcium release in cytosol after administration of astaxanthin with fish oil [ 58 ].

Bioavailability and antioxidant properties of astaxanthin were enhanced in rat plasma and liver tissues after administration of Haematococcus biomass dispersed in olive oil [ 141517 ].

Astaxanthin is a fat soluble compound, with increased absorption when consumed with dietary oils. Astaxanthin was shown to significantly influence immune function in several in vitro and in vivo assays [ 141517 ]. Lipophilic compounds such as astaxanthin are usually transformed metabolically before they are excreted, and metabolites of astaxanthin have been detected in various rat tissues [ 59 ].

Astaxanthin bioavailability in human plasma was confirmed with single dosage of mg [ 60 ]. Its accumulation in humans was found after administration of Haematococcus biomass as source of astaxanthin [ 61 ]. Astaxanthin bioavailability in humans was enhanced by lipid based formulations; high amounts of carotenes solubilized into the dna extraction thesis phase of the food matrix can lead to greater bioavailability [ 62 ].

A recent study dna extraction thesis that astaxanthin accumulation in rat plasma and liver was observed after feeding of Haematococcus biomass as source of astaxanthin [ 141517 ]. Carotenoids are absorbed into the body like lipids and transported via the lymphatic system into the liver. The absorption of carotenoids is dependent on the accompanying dietary components. A dna extraction thesis cholesterol diet may increase carotenoid absorption while a low fat diet reduces its absorption.

Astaxanthin mixes with bile acid after ingestion and make micelles in the intestinum tenue. The micelles with astaxanthin are partially absorbed by intestinal mucosal cells. Intestinal mucosal cells incorporate astaxanthin into chylomicra. Chylomicra with astaxanthin are digested by lipoprotein dna extraction thesis after releasing into the lymph within the systemic circulation, and chylomicron remnants are rapidly removed by the liver and other tissues.

Astaxanthin is assimilated with lipoproteins and transported into the tissues [ 62 ]. Of several naturally occurring carotenoids, astaxanthin is considered one of the best carotenoids being able to protect cells, lipids and membrane lipoproteins against oxidative damage.

An antioxidant is a molecule which can inhibit oxidation. Oxidative damage is initiated by free radicals and reactive oxygen species ROS. These molecules have very high reactivity and are produced by normal aerobic metabolism in organisms, dna extraction thesis. Excess oxidative molecules may react with dna extraction thesis, lipids and DNA through chain reaction, to cause protein and lipid oxidation and DNA damage which are associated with various disorders.

This type of oxidative molecules can be inhibited by endogenous and exogenous antioxidants such as carotenoids. Carotenoids contain polyene chain, long conjugated double bonds, which carry out antioxidant activities by quenching singlet oxygen and scavenging radicals to terminate chain reactions. The biological benefits of carotenoids may be due to their antioxidant properties attributed to their physical and chemical interactions with cell membranes.

Astaxanthin had higher antioxidant activity when compared to various carotenoids such as lutein, lycopene, dna extraction thesis, α-carotene and β-carotene reported by Naguib et al. The antioxidant enzymes catalase, superoxide dismutase, dna extraction thesis and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances TBARS were high in rat plasma and liver after feeding Haematococcus biomass as source of astaxanthin [ 17 ].

Astaxanthin in H.

Protocol 1 - DNA Extraction Part 1

, time: 8:14

A Review on Macroscale and Microscale Cell Lysis Methods

dna extraction thesis

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